As salam, Greetings..
2012 begins its moment with us, the Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (ISMP) Bach.ed. , fresh graduates in super high hope mood. Hoping for our posting. Hoping for a new light. For the sun to shine. I went to Midvalley, caught a movie and the main objective is to go to MPH Bookstore to buy the INSAK book just to get a manual or two to get prepare for any upcoming interview for posting. So i walked out of the house, try to be optimistic as i can.
hoping as sunny as this (err i think its yellow enaugh,isnt it? motive! ;P) |
For me, clothes can boost your motivation in times needed when you're feeling a little bit worry much as a fabric can cover the body for security, it can do a pretty well to cover the little insecurity or any little tingling feelings inside like the effect of the retail therapy. So, i wore this ensemble
its my last year eid of army green floral ribbon baju kurung top from Calaqisya which i paired
it up with a plain cotton maxi skirt that i have in the wardrobe for years.
a floral ribbon maxi? a kind of nice combo i think
But girls, this is doesn't mean that i support the "if-im-not-wearing-any-attractive-clothes,-my-motivation-is-going-to-sink-low" idea. Its just another option that you can choose according to your likes. 'wink'
For those of u guys who doesn't know, we, all the bachelor / degree holder in education field have been facing a super weight on our shoulder right now (okay its clearly for me, i bet there're thousand others feeling the same too). I think its time to spill the beans out. I've been reluctant to talk about this issue since i'll only feel heartache whenever i think about it. It makes me feeling like my world is being pinned to the ground. Feeling so hopeless. So much for our field seems so bright in prospect, but the reality since last year has been so gloomy.
We studied education in hoping to be a teacher for four years. This period of study is for us who undertake it in any local Public University (IPTA) or the non-government higher education instituition (IPTS). Some of us got the scholarship from the Kementertian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) and the Ministry of sport for the bright athletes for financing our study, some are using the Perbadanan Tabung Pengajian Tinggi (PTPTN) loan, Yayasan Negeri, Zakat and some are funded by PAMA (papa mama) bless em.
On the other hand, there are our friends who taking the education field through the Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) used to be known as Maktab Perguruan and it takes five years to complete it since they take this field right after they got their application to enroll in. They are known as Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PISMP). These are the main way to be a teacher but...Besides that, there are other exits that might get u, (anyone who wants to be a teacher now) the chance, the shortcut way. Its the DPLI. DPLI stands for Diploma Pendidikan Lepasan Ijazah and the KPLI stands for Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah and the Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (KPLSPM) or the Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah Sekolah Rendah jawi, Quran, Fardhu ain (KPLISR j-QAF) for the sekolah rendah.
God sake, i dont know what is the reason they apply this diploma/ kursus after they finished their 1st degree.. whether they didn't get the vacancy in their field of study or not? i don't know. Its just makes me think, with all respect for the DPLI/KPLI if u realy wanted to be a teacher , why are'nt u guys apply for the education courses at the first hand while you guys got the chance to fill up the UPU form. Does it mean that you guys chose this teacher career as the second choice at the times when u can't seems to keep your nose up in the water? its a question yah.. bukan menuduh huhu
There is another one option. Its the Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT). All the PISMP, ISMP, DPLI, KPLISR j-QAF & KPLISPM are included in the group of Guru Sandara Terlatih (GST) for they have taking the education study in a variety length of period. The GSTT are the teacher who has been teaching in the school for years, have the experience yet still needs to apply to be appointed as a qualified teacher like the GST.
Since last year, 2011, all of us have been hoping for the government to make the magical call of posting. Congratulation for all my fellow friend of IPG. I don't mind if the IPG graduates got the first posting since they've been studying for 5 years. They deserved it and all the IPG graduates had undergone the interview for posting conducted by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (SPP) in November. They get their result at this January 10th, 2012. IPG got scholar to finance their study and mostly get the posting after they finish their study. No envy for that.
Here's the calculation :
PISMP (GST) = graduates from IPG => primary school (mostly)
ISMP (GST) = graduates from IPTA/S => secondary school DPLI/KPLISPM / KPLISR j-QAF (GST) = SPM holders/ graduates from IPTA => primary school / secondary school GSTT = SPM holders that has been working as the guru ganti and keep renewing the contract for years to continue their service in primary/secondary school.
So pity for us yes it is for all the ISMP, when we first got the offer to study the education course, we don't have the guarantee that we are all will get a post after we finish the study yet all of our seniors sooner or later, they got to be a teacher with their scroll. So, looking on that scenario and a competitiveness of getting hired in the world of nowadays, we're hoping for the same which is maybe the mistake..but hey what's done is done. My batch of 2007/2008 is the first intake that sat for the Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (Medsi). So, understand there that we are so carefully choosen. After we pass with flying colors of the test, we had sat for the interview too. We were undergone a double process of selection to get to study the education courses. Is it totally our mistakes when we're hoping for a posting although we didn'g give the guarantee from the government about it? I don't think so because just like our senior which had got their posting, they didnt get the guarantee too yet the got the posting.
Moreover, even the GSTT and the DPLI/KPLI is getting one step ahead out of us. They got heard and government got them to study in IPGM or local IPTA like UPSI to get the education scroll so that they wouldnt be called 'Tidak Terlatih' anymore. When i called the Bahagian Pengambilan Guru (BPG) and Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan (JPNWP), they gave the reason of the GSTT are more experienced than us. I don't envy of all the chances and sustenance that teh GSTT had received but i just hope that we get the same affection from the government like them. How come we can be experienced if we didnt giving the chance to teach? Time flies by and we're still waiting the posting like waiting for a dead call.
when will our fate get adressed?
I dont know
While most of the employer are hesitated to hire an amployee with education scroll since they know that they will lose an investment of an employee if this employee get the call later then. Rejection. tett! For some us who got lucky that the employer doesn't care much about the field qualification, Great but the reality arent all as fruitfull as that.
Our respresentative had met the Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, YB. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong to give the memorandum, we'd make the local paper headlines and 1001 promises were given to us. The hopes soar up high when the government representative promised us that there might be some good news about our posting this last January 10th but everything is N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Ya Allah, semoga dimurahkan rezeki seterusnya.. kami teruskan berdoa n bekerja disini..
cute blog.. cute mcm tuannye...huhuhu
lawa baju kurg. ccgu ka nii? :)
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