it was awesOme n educatIn..for the beginnin lets refer to this pix below ehe;)
-the venue was in PWTC-
UPSI through UPSI holdin bettin 3 stuff in it..ecoclay product by Prof. Hariri, nursery-and-folklore-ryhmes-cd, how-to-do-origami-cd and last but not least CONGKAKTECH by pn. Nazariah. There were 7 UPSI'student that was chosen to help sell the Congkaktech..(us;) counseling coursemates toO..but 1 beutiful girl..Hidayah the tauke Lintah..if u know couldnt come with us..neverminda dayah..maybe next time, ait..
while preparing n openin the stuff..
we have UPSI bag,notepad,handfan,pen,folders for goodies
and to attract kids, we had Congkaktech stickers n balloons..
-underneath the ballons ehe-
below is our booth
n we had kids flockin Over..
-sikin is teachin the kids-
-bangga did the same toO-
-amert n fizah were on doin their job-
-vOOn is 1 bz man..the 1 n only living skill student chosen to cater to the customers..he scored chinese customers big tIme! n ugh there's faizal..he's bz toO ^_^ -
school from KL areas n Rawang mostly flocked the fair by means their school emphasised educatiOn..CongratulatiOn!
as u can see from the Pix..the differences between COngkaktech n the traditional 1 is many. 1st this product has cards n slots for the kids to learn to recognise whatever it is in the cards. The cards varied from currency, career, plant, animal, number, sport etc n they can be translate into watever languages that the customers want whether in Mandarin, telegu, Japan, Latin..etc.. All they have to do is tell us what they wanted n the manufacturer will customize it according to their tastes..make it in bilingual is not a problem too. The player will do this after they done on distrubutin the marble..Spell on watever is in the card is the next step. So, recognizing,reading n spelling is concluded so far.
The board is foldable n made of plastic so it can be carry everywhere. This is the game for the whole family. Kids from 3 to adult can play this game. By distributin the marbles in each hole, the kids or players is strenghtening their motor movement. Means its a therapy for muscles n hearing toO..cuz distributin the marble will produce a sound, isnt it? Thats Y oldfolks can use this game for therapy..its a theareputic product!
The game is played by two all meant kids will learn to communicate with their peers in real life not bein in front of the computer all the made them become a loner.. for the psychology effect, this game will have winner for the cards category, marble category n finally the champiOn. The champiOn is the 1 that collectin most cards n most the end stickers will be given..Overall its fun n innovative learning tools for kids. Walla!
we were runnin our jonb for 4 days n 3 nights. We stayed in the legend hotel. oh Gosh the pretty pOol.too bad we didnt have time to dive n swim into the blue water because of our tight the end of our shift, we tired n rather sleep on the comfy bed..but still ayayay the pOOl wawa:((
we did manage to snap ourselves in the lift though haha..ciwi!:P
again..shots from the event..Overall its a fun, fantastic, n fabulous experience. what a Fair! fill with kids and parents pure enthusiasm..mascots n kids all over lift my spirit skyhigh..i love those cute little size..thats if my sharing. In the meantime have a great Tuesday dearie visitors :)

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