As salam..greetings everyone (yeah i think i can make this greetings as my official greetings since i always uses this muehehe;P)
Owkay..i am going talk about
MOFEW 2011 in this entry.. what is that?
M.O.F.E.W 2011 = Malaysian.Online.Fashion.Entrepreneur.Weekends. 2011
all self-claimed blogshop lovers must be in hype about it.
It was held from this last 11th - 13th Nov @ Midvalley
anybody seen me? ngee;-D
Oh My, im telling you guys.. name it, from the likes of Calaqisya (again yes), Agape Boutique (finally yes!;P) Like igloo, nakalicious,emcee couture, Azorias (awesome), Sista Closette and many many more, which i couldnt remember, were all there. Of course the items are all hype (it's the likes of Chicpop event anyway *wink*), from clothes (maxi dresses, maxi skirts, palazzo pants, tops, bottoms, outer wears, shoes, bags and accesories. See there! too bad my friends and i didnt have more pictures of the ambiance and i missed the chance of meeting Amber Chia. Oh My eyes hurt seing the sale..helppp!!:P)
Dang the Azorias outfit..its a fina quality clothing line from Korea. All u need is just more money haha T_T
In the future, i think i might be lookin for their type of line. Their line is what u called the kind of clothes of "dress to success" hopefully hukhuk.
and there u go i met the girls, Farah Ilyana Petisuara and Farah Mislina again. Ohhhsemm!
its the Farah's again at their booth..actualy they're my priority prey for this event but at firts, i couldn't find them even i was already in my 3rd round circling the hall;P but lastly i found it..theirs was among the array of a bit end of the corner. That's why. Sorry I'm kind of shy to Hola at Hentak Belipat though, even though of course he will always be there with the girls at the booth because hey There's Calaman too there (see the banner;P). So i'm sorry girls if u're the fan of their blog, i don't have his picture to display here ehe
and more.. oh how glad i was to find agape boutique booth, for i wanted to see with my naked eyes all the collection, but it turned out they don't have it all there..its too many for them to carry i guess, because i love their collection of the latest batches. |
shoes galore @ the Vincci and the event;P
Besides them, I'm glad i met wina, finally. Halus mulus, tall (mmg model figure gitu) . The last time i met her younger sister, beautiful and tall (too), pika, to the Vintage Fest and now her and met with the farahs too hehe.. The Reason Wina wanted to hang out with us anyway not because of the event, its because she wanted to go to Tiamo. She really has the simple yet exclusive taste. U go figure! |
While she was rummaging through all the ballerina shoes, sy menyempatla snap2 kat kedai itu sebab kedai itu Coomell ngee <3 (^_____________^)V (peace ya'll)
left : wee look at the pink crafty board.. its nice to have one like that in our bedroom, isnt it? :D
right: among the ballerina shoes..arent they nice:D |
That day, its my first time wearin flats during hang out. Wina and my friend got a bit surprise by how untall ( haha elok sket dari short;P) and petite i was . I am 151cm and is xs - s size, for matter of fact, lalala :-B
on peach lacey top, bangles bought from Jln Tar (long time ago) cheetah print harem pants (RM10 from nite market), Lulu Bow Braided Bag from Old Blossom Box that i always cling around with and favourite Chillie Pashmina from Hiaz Boutique, neck cover from Tudung People, flats mercy gift from a friend
I love anything that is cheap yet wearable and hype. Kimore Lee Simon (KLS) herself havin quoted that expensive materials doesn't necesarily will certified that you got style dear. For me, I believe what matters is the way u carry yourself with what u wear. How thrifty u can be? This is why i love blogshops, because usually their line is customized. You dont easily find them on the mainstream market. Just choose and get the best deal for yourself;-) |
Fot this time, i have a secret to tell ( :-B )..actualy, I've been long wanted to have one paisley pashmina and this one from Hiaz is just fine. Its soft texture and the hotness of chili prints. Just love it. In fact, I think the hotness of the chili had sprinkled its fire for along the evening i feel like somehow i always get tense for small things LOL! bahaha giler r effect dier ni! look at the chili prints below, its as hot as her retailer
Azila Hilme. She's Married and She's still Gorgeous.. nak jadi macam az tau bila dah tawen nanti..menten gorgeous gtuu. She even got the chance to be the recent 'Nur' Covergirl with, among my fav local artist, Maya Karin. How Fabulous, isnt it?!
Bib Necklace bought from the last Vintage Fest.. aaa just <3 it. Finally dah telepas ye angan2 nak pakai necklace yg Kim K / other celebraties pernah pki satu ketika dulu ngihihihi *raise2 eyebrows* :P |
At the same day i went to this event,
Nurul Hidayati Jalidar, one of the scarflet stylista had invited me officially, to her birthday celebration at a location in Shah Alam. Oh nurul, i tell u ive been long wanted to meet u gorg, but i really couldn't make it for a reason. Oh how honoured i was to got invited and how sad i was to have to let it go....arrhhh wish that can meet her perhaps somehow, somewhere..Seriously, love her wrappin style, if only there's tutorial on that particular one that i like hehe (i dont know if she'll be reading this haha;P)
I have one think to say here, me myself, personally think we don't have to beat each others considering this current tide of hijabi styles. There're a lot of wrapping style for the pash or shawls. Just remember ourselves (including myself) that our level of faith doesn't indicated by what we wear. As said by Ustaz Zaharuddin in a talk show on Al-Hijrah that if a muslimah doesnt called 'orang yang bertakwa' by how gorgeous her clothes are. Covering our aurah is enough to makes us call a muslimah but as far as the colthes itself it will be only a plain muslimah. Not the faithful one. So, lets always always reminds ourselves to not get too carried away by the all the hustle and bustle.
A battle between the faith and lust is a never ending battle for myself. Will always gonna be back and forth between them. Like how I love clothes and beauty, i love my religion too..That is why on my banner already said, im a girl who will always try to balance this worldly thingy and the life of eternity for i realise i'm just a human with weaknesses too. Therefore, i think im done here. woahh im a serious type of person, u know hahaha;P
p/s: i'm sorry, in previous entry, i said i will talk about a devil pumps, but i think i will blog about it next for my Sexy Red Pumps had realy knock me out. So, i need time to gain my composure ;P
Anyway, dearie visitors, i think this is it for now. Im seldom on my twitter right now.. only Fb for twitter doest psyched me as much as before ehe..and on FB i am seldom chatting. I love commenting on wall. I dont know. Im just that way..for i found chatting sometimes quite disturbing since i love multitasking when im on the net. One more thing, I don't like to have acquaintances whom his/her default pix is cars, bikes, plants, cartoons, robots or any non human picture, because i assume, non human picture is non human, they can't facebooking. Therefore i find quite hard to approve friend request of such. When someone using robot as his/her default picture, i assumed he/she must be transformers hehee *wink*
I guess, i come to an end now. This is it for now ladies and gentlemen.
efy lois